
What is a QbizAnalysis?

A QbizAnalysis is our proprietary Needs Assessment. The QbizAnalysis provides a detailed look into your organizational infrastructure and procurement behavior. With your assistance; we request simple aggregate data. This information includes, but is not limited to:

Current Vendors: People, groups or business you buy from regularly

Invoices: Small sample size of invoices to observe pricing, services and receivables/payables practices.

Business Profile: a non-evasive interview process; we take the time to talk to the decision makers, individuals and groups that facilitate the procurement practices in your organization. We find out what is important to you, what is the current state of affairs is and most importantly, what would be optimal (in your opinion) for short tem and long term solutions.

With a short turnaround time we provide your organization with a solid, condensed and precise view of your organizations procurement behavior. With the QbizAnalysis you will gain further insight into what is working, but ultimately be able to clearly identify the Operational Management Gaps and have the ability to make sound decisions given which we deem Actionable Intelligence.

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